Statoren KZ System – 2200 Winches with 90 or 94 mmBackplate. 2200 Winches with 90 or 94 mmBackplate
2200 Winches Stator for Go Kart Engines.
3200 Winches Stator for all other Engines
KZ - analoge Ignition
Selettra Stator with 2200 Winches Backplate 90 mm Homologation Selettra 10-A-21
$ 119,90
KZ - analoge Ignition
Selettra Stator with 2200 Winches Backplate 94 mm Homologation Selettra 10-A-21
$ 119,90
Statoren KZ System
$ 119,90
Statoren KZ System
$ 119,90